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6th Brigade "Almogávares" of Paratroopers

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Parachuting spirit





General Pérez de Aguado

The Spanish Army and the BRIPAC (Paratroopers Brigade of Spain) are living in a period of change. The paratrooper internalizes this and, therefore, knows that it is not the strongest that survives, but the one most responsive to change.
In this changing reality, the BRIPAC looks for the anchoring to our existence looking towards our origins with paratroopers’ cries which encompass who we are.
God, above us, knows that we want to be the best soldiers of our Homeland. With our different method to enter the battlefield, we are paratroopers and we deploy our force by another space dimension.
Victory embodies for us that nobody should be better than us and nothing will stop us except Victory.
Honor confirms for us and within us that we have the moral qualities that inspire us to the fullfilment of the duty.

SUCCEED OR DIE! is the cry that summarizes the essence of our paratrooper battle spirit.

All the above, along with the continuous remembrance to our Fallen, allows us to be ready to fulfill our first and most essential duty:
to be always willing to defend Spain. 

Alfredo Pérez de Aguado Martínez

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