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Support Force




Support Force Organisation.


1. In the area of human resources, the Support Force includes the following bodies:

 Personnel Command.

 Training and Doctrine Command.


 2. In the area of material resources, the Support Force includes the following bodies:

 Logistic Support Command.

 Army Inspection.


3. In the area of financial resources, the Support Force includes the Economic Affairs Directorate.


Personnel Command

Within the army, the Personnel Command is the Force Support body responsible for the direction, management, administration and control of personnel management, staff assistance and health care.


The Personnel Command is composed of:

a) Personnel Command Headquarters.

b) Directorate of Personnel.

c) Directorate of Staff Assistance.

d) Directorate of Health Care.


Access to the webpage of the unit

Training and Doctrine Command

Within the Army, the Training and Doctrine Command is responsible for the direction, inspection, coordination and investigation of those processes related to knowledge management, which includes doctrine, organisation, materials, teaching and teaching systems, training and evaluation for their application in combat.

It is also responsible for the development of missions resulting from current legislation on physical-military education, the promotion of sports and driving, and road safety.

As a relevant element of the information and knowledge management structure in the army, in coordination with the General Secretary of the Army Staff, it will participate in the development of the digital transformation of the land area in order to guarantee the convergence of efforts and the search for information and knowledge superiority as well as talent recruitment, promotion and retention.

The Training and Doctrine Command is composed of:


a) Headquarters.

b) The Directorate of Investigation, Doctrine, Organisation and Material.

c) The Directorate of Teaching, Instruction, Training and Evaluation.


Access to the unit’s website

Logistic Support Command


Within the Army, the Logistic Support Command is the body responsible for material and logistical support processes of supply, maintenance and transport functions including the relevant support engineering. As such, it is responsible for the direction, management, administration and control of these functions and systems engineering.


The Logistic Support Command is composed of:


a) Headquarters.

b) The Directorate of Acquisitions.

c) The Directorate of Logistics Functions Integration.


The Directorate of Economic Affairs

The Directorate of Economic Affairs is composed of:

a) Headquarters.

b) The Sub-directorate of Accounting and Budget.

c) The Sub-directorate of Economic Management and Contracting.


Army Inspection

The Army Inspection is composed of:

a) Headquarters.

b) Barracks Directorate.

c) Infrastructure Directorate.