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The 'San Marcial' Division Headquarters Hosts the DOMEX Course

miércoles 14 de octubre de 2020

Número: 8139

In Burgos

The Headquarters of the “San Marcial” Division hosted the DOMEX (Document and Media Exploitation) course in “Collection and Processing in Support to Attack the Networks,” which was organized by the C-IED (Counter-Improvised Explosive Devices) Center of Excellence and carried out at the ¨Diego Porcebs¨ barracks (Burgos) from October 5th to the 9th.

The course started the 28th of September in the C-IED facilities in Hoyo de Manzanares (Madrid) where the first phase - fundamental theory - was completed. Practice exercises were carried out at the Headquarters of the ¨San Marcial¨ Division, which is the primary unit responsible for DOMEX preparation and which also provides support from specialized personnel.

Specifically, this course is designed to enhance top-level collection and exploitation capabilities in Military Search focused in the DOMEX area.

The close collaboration between both units, which began four years ago, allows these types of activities to be carried out, encouraging the development of such intelligence skills in our Armed Forces and allies. In addition to our Armed and National Security Forces, personnel from various nations (Czechoslovakia, France and Belgium) participated in the course.

As a result of the DOMEX course taking place at the ¨San Marcial¨ Division facilities, Burgos is being considered by the C-IED as a potential location for NATO Working Group meetings on C-IED, with a similar structure to that used in Córdoba in 2019 and the one planned for Málaga in mid-2021.


  Las prácticas del curso se desarrollaron en Burgos

The practice exercises for this course were carried out in Burgos