

On your visit to the museum, you can discover some very interesting parts of the Alcazar.

What is called the Umayyad arch comes from medieval times. It was built in the 10th century as one of the entrances to the fortress and connected the Alcazar to the Alcantara Bridge and Gate.

Umayyad Arch

Umayyad Arch

Next to different bits of wall, you can also see a part of what is called the Trastamara tower, built to defend the Alcazar in Christian times, at the end of the 14th century.

Pieces of wall

Pieces of wall

Did you know that the most interesting of the Alcazar’s 4 façades is the north façade?

North Façade

North Façade

It is the one which has the most ornate decoration, from the Renaissance period, and also has the entrance to the great Imperial Courtyard.

Imperial Courtyard

Imperial Courtyard

It is quadrangular in shape, with arches and columns on all four sides. In the centre there is a bronze sculpture of the Emperor Charles V and, on the south side, is the monumental staircase.

