Marta: Hi, I'm Marta.

David: and my name is David. Welcome! Come with us to discover the amazing things you can see in the Museum.

Marta: The Army Museum is located in the city of Toledo, in the historic building of the Alcazar. The word Alcazar comes from Arabic and means fortress. The first great building that was built in this place, during the Middle Ages, was a castle. Part of its walls, gates and towers are still preserved.

David: Centuries later, Emperor Charles V turned this fortress into a palace. To do that, he hired important architects, who designed some of its most emblematic spaces, such as the imperial staircase or the north façade, with its lovely Renaissance decoration.

Marta: Before it was a museum, the Alcazar was many other things, such as a military academy. Its appearance has also changed over time, as a result of reconstructions, restorations and archaeological excavations. The building’s last major renovation was completed in 2009, turning it into the Army Museum.

David: Our museum explains the history of Spain through the history of its Army. Its rooms show about 6,500 cultural objects that tell stories and curiosities. Would you like to come with us and discover some?