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Noticias de la unidad

List of unit news

  • 1st NATO Military Police Working Group

    miércoles 12 de febrero de 2025

    HQ NRDC-ESP Military Police Battalion I hosts first annual meeting of NATO Military Police Working Group 2025

    The city of Valencia hosted the NATO Military Police Working Group (MPWG) from 3 to 7 February 2025. This event brought together 91 military personnel from 25 different nations, with the aim of developing and coordinating Military Police doctrine, tactics and procedures in combined and joint environments.

  •  Parade TOA CFE III

    martes 10 de diciembre de 2024

    Transfer of Authority of the Corps Forward Element contingent from NATO Rapid Deployable Headquarters (Bétera-Valencia) at Kuchyňa Air Base (Slovakia).

    The third contingent of the Corps Forward Element (CFE III) deployed to Kuchyňa Air Base, Slovakia, has assumed command from the second contingent (CFE II). The CFE has been deployed at Kuchyňa since March this year.


    lunes 16 de septiembre de 2024

    The Multinational Brigade Task Force Slovakia is transferred under the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Spain Headquarters

    Spain took command of NATO Multinational Brigade Task Force in Lest (Slovakia) on 1 July 2024. Troops from Czechia, Portugal, Slovakia and Slovenia are deployed alongside the 800 Spanish troops as part of the task force.

  • Lieutenant General Luis Sáez Rocandio

    viernes 2 de agosto de 2024

    Lieutenant General Luis Sáez Rocandio, new commander of HQ NRDC-ESP

    The Spanish Army Chief of Staff, Army General Amador Enseñat, presided over the take over ceremony of Lieutenant General Luis Sáez Rocandio as the new commander of the HQ NRDC-ESP. The ceremony was held on July 30 at the “Jaime I” Base in Bétera (Valencia).

  • Handing over the HQ NRDC-ESP guidon

    martes 23 de julio de 2024

    The Corps Forward Element of HQ NRDC-ESP holds a Handover-Takeover ceremony in Kuchyňa (Slovakia).

    The 2nd Corps Forward Element (CFE) contingent from HQ NRDC-ESP Bétera (Valencia-Spain) takes over the continuity of the NATO operation in Slovakia.

  • Theoretical session during the course

    viernes 17 de mayo de 2024

    Personnel of the HQ NRDC-ESP deliver the NATO Land Tactical Planning Course at the Sweden Armed Forces International Center.

    The NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Spain Headquarters delivered the NATO Land Tactical Planning course at the Sweden Armed Forces International Center (SWEDINT) from 15 to 26 April 2024.

  • Palacio de Colomina (Cardenal Herrera-CEU University)

    martes 14 de mayo de 2024

    Valencia hosts the Fifth Edition of the NATO Information Environment Assesstment Tiger Team Conference

    The event was attended by more than 100 participants, including civilians and military personnel from 27 countries, all of them professionals in the information environment. It is worth mentioning the presence of personnel from NATO, the European External Action Service, the European Union, the United States Command in Europe, the United Nations, military personnel from various countries, as well as representatives from the academic and business worlds.

  • First contingent departs from Madrid

    miércoles 13 de marzo de 2024

    Military personnel from the HQ NRDC-ESP begin deployment in Slovakia.

    The personnel being deployed are part of the Corps Forward Element (CFE) of the Warfighting Corps HQ offered by Spain as the framework nation, on the Eastern flank.

  • FCC at the  HQ NRDC-ESP.

    viernes 23 de febrero de 2024

    Exercise Steadfast Cobalt 24 – Final Coordination Conference at the HQ NRDC-ESP

    HQ NRDC-ESP hosted the Final Coordination Conference (FCC) of the Steadfast Cobalt 2024 (STCO24) exercise from 19 to 23 February 2024, attended by 150 military and civilian personnel at its facilities in Bétera (Valencia).

  • Planning during the exercise.

    jueves 22 de febrero de 2024

    HQ NRDC-ESP participates in Exercise Dynamic Front 24 with NATO Allies

    WIESBADEN, Germany – Approximately 1000 NATO Allied and partner soldiers from over 20 countries participated in an exercise with both, live and simulated fire, from 5 to 25 February. Dynamic Front 24, an artillery-centric, dynamic exercise, took place in Germany, Poland, Romania, Spain and Türkiye.

  • Handover-Takeover ceremony

    viernes 17 de noviembre de 2023

    Deputy Commander Handover-Takeover Ceremony at the HQ NRDC-ESP

    On 17th November 2023, Major General Sergio Valente Marques was officially appointed as new Deputy Commander of the HQ NRDC-ESP, a position occupied by Portugal, taking over from outgoing Deputy Commander, Major General João Boga Ribeiro, in a parade held at the HQ premises.

  • Exchanging experiences

    lunes 2 de octubre de 2023

    Personnel from the HQ NRDC-ITA Support Brigade visit the HQ NRDC-ESP Support Battalion

    During the week of 18-22 September, personnel belonging to the HQ NRDC-ITA Support Brigade visited the facilities of our Support Battalion to learn first-hand about our capabilities, materials and procedures in support of the HQ NRDC-ESP.

  • Crowd control activity

    miércoles 5 de julio de 2023

    Exercise “Ángel Guardián 23”

    The Military Police Battalion (BPM I), a unit subordinate to HQ NRDC-ESP, conducted from 26 to 30 June the most important multinational exercise of the year concerning Military Police missions, both at national and NATO level.

  • SNRs greet him at his arrival

    martes 20 de junio de 2023

    Commander Rapid Reaction Corps France visits HQ NRDC-ESP

    On Tuesday, 13rd June, Commander Rapid Reaction Force France (RRC FRA) based on Lille, Lieutenant General Emmanuel Gaulin, visited NATO Rapid Deployable Corps-Spain Headquarters in Bétera (Valencia-Spain).

  • Welcome address LTG García-Vaquero

    miércoles 26 de abril de 2023

    The city of Valencia hosts the fourth edition of the NATO Information Environment Assessment Conference

    The event was attended by 180 civilian and military participants from 28 countries. All of them professionals from the information environment. Of particular note was the presence of personnel from NATO, the European Union, the United States European Command, military personnel from various countries, as well as representatives from the academic and business worlds.

  • Theoretical session

    miércoles 22 de febrero de 2023

    HQ NRDC-ESP staff carry out training sessions for spokespersons in Bétera (Valencia).

    Spanish and allied HQ NRDC-ESP staff will be holding a training session for spokespersons at their facilities in Bétera, Valencia, throughout the month of February.

  • Emerging Concepts seminar in ESP Army War College (Madrid)

    miércoles 1 de febrero de 2023

    HQ NRDC-ESP organizes the seminar "Emerging NATO Concepts"

    The fourth edition of the seminar on NATO Emerging Concepts, organized by the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Headquarters Spain (HQ NRDC-ESP), was held on January 25 and 26 at the Army War College (Madrid).

  • Arrival at the Bétera base

    viernes 16 de diciembre de 2022

    The Turkish Army Chief of Staff visits HQ NRDC-ESP in Bétera (Valencia)

    General Musa Avsever, Chief of Staff of the Turkish Army, visited NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Headquarters (HQ NRDC-ESP) at the Bétera military base this morning, accompanied by the Spanish Army Chief of Staff, Army General Amador Enseñat y Berea, and the commander of HQ NRDC-ESP, Lieutenant General Fernando García-Vaquero Pradal.

  • Briefing at the HQ NRDC ESP

    jueves 10 de noviembre de 2022

    Commander HQ Multinational Division Centre visits HQ NRDC-ESP

    Major General Denis Tretinjak (HVR AR), Commander HQ Multinational Division Centre (MND-C) visited HQ NRDC-ESP. The visit took place on 07 and 08 November at the HQ NRDC-ESP premises within Bétera Military Base (Valencia).

  • Flag Ceremony in Bétera

    martes 11 de octubre de 2022

    The NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Headquarters Spain (HQ NRDC-ESP) celebrates its 20th anniversary.

    Spanish and allied military personnel of HQ NRDC-ESP based in Bétera commemorate the 20th anniversary of the headquarters with a 20-kilometre march and a ceremony in Bétera (Valencia).

  • Cognitive Maneuver Seminar in Bétera

    viernes 23 de septiembre de 2022

    HQ NRDC-ESP hosts a seminar on the Cognitive Maneuver, given by members of the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command.

    The Cognitive Maneuver Seminar was held at the HQ NRDC-ESP facility in Bétera from September 19-23. It was given by the Operational Environment Integration Directorate of the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command. In addition to HQ NRDC-ESP personnel, several representatives from the Spanish Army General Staff (EME), Doctrine Command (MADOC), Canary Islands Command (MCANA), and Land Force (FUTER) units attended. The seminar was also attended by several university professors from Valencia.

  • Situation Center

    miércoles 27 de julio de 2022

    The Chief of the Portuguese Army pays a visit to the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Spain Headquarters in Bétera (Valencia).

    General José Nunes da Fonseca, Chief of the Portuguese Army, has visited the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps – Spain Headquarters (HQ NRDC-ESP its acronym) in Bétera (Spain) this morning.

  • Admiral Bauer's lecture in Santo Domingo barracks (Valencia)

    lunes 4 de julio de 2022

    Admiral Rob Bauer, Chair of the NATO Military Committee visits HQ NRDC-ESP

    Admiral Bauer paid a visit both to Santo Domingo barracks in Valencia and the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Headquarters in Bétera (Valencia).

  • His Majesty the King Felipe VI visits the HQ NRDC-ESP

    lunes 6 de junio de 2022

    His Majesty the King Felipe VI visits the Headquarter NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Spain.

    His Majesty the King Felipe VI visited on May 25 the NATO Rapid Deployable Headquarters (HQ NRDC-ESP), at the "Jaime I" base in Bétera (Valencia), as well as the means and personnel of the Information Operations Regiment No. 1.

  • Briefing DCOM HQ NRDC-ESP

    viernes 27 de mayo de 2022

    HQ NRDC-ESP Deputy Commander participates in the NATO Lessons Learned Conference 2022

    NRDC-ESP participated, from 03 to 05 May 2022, in the NATO Lessons Learned Conference 2022 (NLLC22) organized by the NATO Joint Analysis Lessons Learned Centre (JALLC) in Lisbon.

  • Welcome address HQ NRDC-ESP Commander.

    lunes 9 de mayo de 2022

    The HQ NRDC-ESP hosts the NATO Information Environment Assessment Tiger Team (NIEATT) meeting in Valencia.

    The NATO Rapid Deployble Corps Headquarters Spain (HQ NRDC-ESP), with the support of the Spanish Joint Headquarters (EMACON), hosted the NATO Conference on the Information Environment Assessment (NIEATT) in Valencia, from May 3 to 5. The meeting was organized by NATO HQ, Supreme Allied Command Europe (SHAPE) and NATO Allied Command Transformation (ACT).

  • Closing ceremony NATO Emerging Concepts seminar

    jueves 17 de febrero de 2022

    The NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Headquarters Spain organizes the seminar "NATO Emerging Concepts”

    The HQ NRDC-ESP organized a seminar on NATO Emerging Concepts at the Army War College (Madrid) on February 15 and 16. The seminar analyzed the strategic environment and the threats identified by NATO, presenting new concepts under development to face them.

  • Students and teachers at the HQ NRDC-ESP (Bétera-Valencia)

    lunes 14 de febrero de 2022

    The Spanish Defence Public Affairs Course visits the HQ NRDC-ESP in Bétera (Valencia).

    On 7 February, students and teachers of the Defence Public Affairs Course visited the headquarters of the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps (HQ NRDC-ESP) in Bétera (Valencia).

  • Spain and NATO flag raising in Vitoria (Spain)

    jueves 2 de diciembre de 2021

    NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Headquarters Spain passes NATO evaluation to lead high intensity operations during the exercise STEADFAST LEDA 2021

    Once handover ceremony has been formalized, the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Headquarters Spain, homebased in Bétera, Valencia, has passed the evaluation that certifies it is prepared and ready to conduct high intensity military operations (Warfighting Corps, WFC)

  • Material and equipment ready to deploy

    martes 2 de noviembre de 2021

    Exercise Steadfast Leda 2021: kick-off for the deployment of the HQ NRDC-ESP

    The NATO Rapid Deployable Corps - Spain Headquarters (HQ NRDC-ESP) has started the deployment of material and means from its base in Bétera (Valencia) to the Military Base of Araca (Vitora-Spain), place where exercise Steadfast Leda 2021 will be carried out at the end of November.