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Visión Fuerza 2035


One year ago, I explained my purpose with these lines. On this occasion, and supplementing that speech, I would like to share with you my vision on ‘Fuerza 35’, as the horizon where our efforts must be directed:

  • 'The 2035 Army, essential component of the Joint Force, will be capable of constituting flexible and unified operational organisations, provided with technologically advanced means and constituted by highly motivated and prepared personnel. It will be capable of operating in all kind of environments and of integrating in multinational structures to ensure the protection of the population and the control of the territory and resources.
  • It will be a decisive instrument in the attainment of free and safe spaces in the advocacy of the interests of Spain wherever and whenever it is needed.'



Next, I will explain further the main ideas it encompasses:

  • '...essential component of the Joint Force': to which it willl provide unique capacities and, since the current and future situations of crisis will require mastery at the three levels -land, sea and air- as well as cyberspace, joint planning and conducting structures will be of utmost importance.
  • '...capable of constituting flexible and unified operational organisations': optimising the organisational structures in combat and searching for team cohesion as the key factor that will lead to efficiency. At all times we will be capable of adapting to the operational environment and of providing the capacities the operational structure of the Armed Forces may require.
  • '... provided with technologically advanced means': with additonal and innovative capacities at a tactical level that, integrated into the future 8x8 platform and related to the strengthening of situational awareness and firepower, allow to face the hybrid threat efficiently, incoporating a deep understanding of big data and the use of new technologies.
Visión Fuerza 35
  • '... constituted by highly motivated and prepared personnel': whose efficiency is based on the values of our Institution, taught by the example, its leadership skills enhanced by means of initiative, and permanent availability in the service. Convinced that rigorousness in daily preparation will lead to pshysicall, technically and phsychologically prepared personnel ready to be recruited for operations.
  • 'capable of operating in all kind of environments and of integrating in multinational structures': as essential tool of the Spanish Foreign Policy, preserving our expeditionary personality, with high availability and interoperability in the framework of the agreements signed with our allies.
  • 'to ensure the protection of the population and the control of the territory and resources': being the Spanish Army an ‘unrivalled’ element for that purpose. Especially when, as predicted, we will fight mainly in urban areas for and among civilian population. We are forced to incorporate a deep understanding of the social and cultural environment and of human dynamics.
  • '...decisive instrument in the attainment of free and safe spaces in the advocacy of the interests of Spain wherever and whenever it is needed': closely following our constitutional mandate and guaranteeing the efficiency of our action when a military response is needed, but simultaneously being aware of the permanent need to coordinate our efforts with other kind of responses and organisations that make the holistic concept of the operations come true.


In short, it is about making our Force evolve since today, to be in the best condition to respond the challenges we will predictably have to face in the 2035 horizon, in order to continue being the useful and reliable instrument our dear country needs.

Visión Fuerza 35