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El Ejército y los Retos Futuros. Programme.


1st April


Opening of the conferences



Main speech: Leadership

D. Miguel Ángel Ariño. Professor at the Decisión Analysis Department at IESE Business School. University of Navarre.

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Pannel: Command and Direction Organisation. Different models.


TG. D. José Carrasco Gabaldón.



Military field

GD. D. Antonio Ruiz Olmos. Chief of Division San Marcial.

Businness field

D. Fernando Abril-Martorell. President of Indra.

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Technological field

D. Carlos Moure. CEO of Kairos Digital Solutions.

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2nd April


C2 Technological solutions and talent management


>GD. D. Antonio Ruiz Benítez. Director of Research, Indoctrination, Organisation and Materiel.


Technological solutions supporting C2

GD. D. Joaquin Salas Alcalde. Chief of JCISAT.


Talent management

Dr. Carlos Andreu. Teacher and consultant.

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Main speech: Mission Command (Mando orientado a la Misión)

U. S. Army Europe


Closure of the conferences

GE. D. Francisco Javier Varela Salas. Chief of the Army Staff.


Location: Army Warface

Ubicación: Escuela de Guerra. Santa Cruz de Mercenado 25


Mapa de localización de la Escuela de Guerra

Future Challenges in Social Media