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- Headquarters NATO Rapid Deployable Corps (HQ NRDC-ESP)
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- 2024
- Transfer of Authority of the Corps Forward Element contingent from NATO Rapid Deployable Headquarters (Bétera-Valencia) at Kuchyňa Air Base (Slovakia).
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martes 10 de diciembre de 2024
Número: 09
Transfer of Authority of the Corps Forward Element contingent from NATO Rapid Deployable Headquarters (Bétera-Valencia) at Kuchyňa Air Base (Slovakia).
The third contingent of the Corps Forward Element (CFE III) deployed to Kuchyňa Air Base, Slovakia, has assumed command from the second contingent (CFE II). The CFE has been deployed at Kuchyňa since March this year.
During the ceremony of Transfer of Authority, the chief colonel of CFE II handed over the combat flag of HQ NRDC-ESP to the new chief of the CFE III contingent. Later during his speech, the incoming colonel emphasized that “our presence in Slovakia is part of NATO's common effort on the eastern flank of the alliance. The Corps Forward Element is deployed in Slovakia, but our area of operations also encompasses the Czech Republic and Hungary. Together, the shared effort of our four nations underlines the importance of cohesion and mutual support, fundamental principles of NATO action”. He concluded his speech by “thanking the men and women of the outgoing contingent for their professionalism, dedication and effort”, underlining that “their work has been fundamental for the consolidation of the unit and for the success of the mission entrusted to them”.
The ceremony was presided over by Brigadier General Juan José Soto Rodríguez, Chief of the Communication Division of HQ NRDC-ESP, and was attended by various military authorities from Slovakia and Hungary, as well as the Spanish Ambassador to Slovakia.The Corps Forward Element is composed of HQ NRDC-ESP personnel and is supported by personnel from the 21st Signal Regiment Regiment (Marines-Valencia), and 1st Signal Regiment (Huesca), which provide command and control with the most modern information and communications technologies. It is also supported by an Advanced Element of the National Support Element.
The Spanish participation in the protection of the Eastern flank is a further demonstration of Spain's commitment to our allies and another example of Spain's determined contribution to the Alliance's deterrence efforts in Eastern Europe.