David: Look at that little coat! It looks like a child's.

Marta: Its placard says that it is the dress uniform of Alfonso XII when he was a child. Do you know who Alfonso XII was?

David: He was King of Spain from 1874 to 1885. This uniform would have been made for him when he was Prince of Asturias, to preside over a ceremony or public act of the Army.

Marta: It looks like some uniforms I've seen but there are different types: many shapes, colours, etc.

David: The uniform is something that corresponds to the army. It's a way of recognizing who belongs to each army and each country. That's why there are many types of uniform.

Marta: And don't they usually wear medals in the shape of a star or a cross on their neck or chest...?

David: Medals are decorations given to individuals or groups who have done good work or service, or have helped the community... you usually associate them with uniforms because that’s where they are most often worn. But people who are awarded them can wear them without uniform. Did you know that, as well as military decorations, there are also civilian ones?