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From paratrooping to the fight against Covid-19

viernes 27 de marzo de 2020

Zenbakia: 7905

Fighting against Covid-19 in the first person

Soldiers from the Army are continuing to offer non-stop support to the population in these difficult moments of the health crisis. From the ‘Balmis’ operation, which is fighting against the spread of Covid-19, a great many soldiers are working and showing the human side of their profession.

In July, Lieutenant Peiroten left the General Military Academy and, shortly after, arrived at his first post in the Sapper Battalion in the 6th ‘Almogávares’ Paratroopers Brigade. He didn’t know then that a few months later he would be involved in the Spanish Armed Forces’ efforts to prevent the further spread of the virus, which has now affected thousands of people across the entire Spanish territory.

But this is when one throws themselves into their vocation: serving Spain. They don’t understand timetables or flexibility: the important thing these days is to fulfil the mission. To that end, for the last four days the lieutenant has been taking part in the conversion of the University of Alcalá de Henares into a field hospital where coronavirus patients will be treated.

He is serving as a link between Doctors Without Borders and the city council to lend the Army’s support to all those tasks which require their intervention. “We have contributed to the installation of 100 beds, the fitting-out of the hospital, and the logistical transport of the equipment which is required, as well as other tasks,” he highlights.

From Monday 23rd of March, the lieutenant and his colleagues in the unit have been trying to bring this initiative into being in as little time as possible. “These days, my personal life is my work,” explains the soldier from Burgos.

Now that the hospital is almost open they can see how their small support has been essential to helping many people who, at this time, really need them. When the time comes to put into practice all of his training, he recognises that the most gratifying thing is “the personal satisfaction of fulfilling your duty.”

The lieutenant during the transportation of equipment

The lieutenant during the transportation of equipment