Imagen de fondo

XXVIII Curso Internacional de Defensa


Student´s access

Student´s access
  • Regulations governing the access processes.

Present of a Tradition

Present of a Tradition
  • Institutional video 


Cervantes Chair

Cervantes Chair
  • Annual cycle of lectures


  • Magazine "Armas y Cuerpos"
  • Suplement of the Magazine "Armas y Cuerpos"

Virtual visit

Virtual visit


The Academia General Militar gives you the warmest welcome to its website. I would like to take the opportunity provided by new technologies to approach and introduce this educational center that since its foundation, in 1882 and throughout three discontinued periods of activity, has trained more than 23,000 officers in the Army, Civil Guard and Tri-Service Corps members of the Armed Forces.

Our goal is to educate officers with excellent technical training, careful physical preparation and strong moral base, accredited by the practice of those virtues that have always characterized the military institution and that are reflected in our beloved Cadet Code of Ethics. Officers prepared not only to manage the day to day of the units, but also able to lead teams in complex situations, able to make tough decisions and take full responsibility for their consequences. Officers, in fact, whose vocation and permanent objective is always to provide Spain with their best service.
To achieve this goal the Academy count on an excellent team, fully committed to our mission, composed of highly trained, gifted and talented professionals, with a great experience and a deep understanding of all facets of our Army. The exceptional work done by the military and civilian personnel of the center, both teachers and also those who carry out support tasks allow us to continue our progress year after year in the pursuit of excellence.


Latest news of the unit

Recepción de Jesús María Alemany en la AGM

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'El sentimiento religioso es uno de los más importantes del ser humano, pero si no se entiende bien puede convertirse en algo patológico'

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Entrega familiares

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Entrega de nombramientos de alférez

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