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Cuartel General de la División 'Castillejos'

Escudo de la Unidad

Main activities

Entrance to the garrison


Operations abroad

HQ. Building

"Castillejos" Division HQ.


The "Castillejos" Division Headquarters would like to welcome you to its website, a communication tool that allows all visitors to find the answers to their questions and have an overview that serves to encourage them to learn more about our Unit. feeling our closest men and women.

This unit is currently located in the "Sancho Ramírez" Barracks (Huesca). Although since its origins, it has been located in the "Tte. Muñoz Castellanos" barracks, named after the first soldier who died in operations in the line of duty, in the mission carried out in Bosnia and Herzegovina, on May 13, 1993.

The General Headquarters is the advisory and support body to the Chief General of the "Castillejos" Division for the exercise of his duties. Together with the General Headquarters, it deploys in the "Sancho Ramírez" barracks. the Headquarters Battalion, permanently prepared to deal with all the life support and operations that the Headquarters requires, both in the quartering and deployed in exercises and operations.

By Defense Order No. 1362/2018 of December 20, which develops the basic organization of the Army, the Brigade "Aragón" I is added to the organization of the Division.

Since January 1, 2021, the "Castillejos" Division Headquarters has the organic command of the following units:

  • 1st "Aragon" Brigade
  • Brigade "King Alfonso XIII" II of the Legion.
  • Brigade "Galicia" VII.
  • Guzmán el Bueno X Brigade
  • XI Extremadura Brigade
  • 12th Guadarrama Brigade
  • Transmissions Regiment 1
  • Headquarters Battalion of the "Castillejos" Division


Latest news of the unit

Alocución Elena Puértolas

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Entrega nombramiento embajadora Marca Ejército a Doña Elena Puértolas Puértolas

El Representante Institucional del Ejército de Tierra en Aragón, el General de División Luis Francisco Cepeda Lucas ha entregado, en nombre del Jefe de Estado Mayor del Ejército, el General de Ejército Amador Enseñat y Berea la cédula de nombramiento de Embajadora de la Marca Ejército a Doña Elena Puértolas Puértolas, Directora del diario del Altoaragón en un acto celebrado el 29 de enero en la Sala Azul del Casino Oscense de Huesca. A dicho, además de los familiares y allegados de la nueva Embajadora, asistieron las principales autoridades civiles y militares de la provincia de Huesca, poniendo de manifiesto la relevancia del mismo.

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Thursday, January 16, 2025

Toma de Mando del General de División Jefe de la División Castillejos

Ayer miércoles 15 de enero, tuvo lugar la toma de Mando del General de División D. Luis Francisco Cepeda Lucas, Jefe de la División Castillejos, en el Acuartelamiento “Sancho Ramírez” de la ciudad de Huesca.