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  • Activities of the Army Museum for the month of June
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Activities of the Army Museum for the month of June

lunes 5 de junio de 2023

Zenbakia: 9352

In Toledo

Legends of Toledo

Legends of Toledo

The Museum of the Army of Toledo has announced its cultural program for the month of June. As usual, it includes cultural and entertainment options for all ages.

In this way, the program "Live Museum" will take the visitor, on June 3rd and 24th, to the sixteenth century to learn from one of its protagonists how the Alcázar of Toledo reached its current appearance.

Also included, among the programming, the storytelling "Legends of Toledo," Family Museum, the workshop "Little Archaeologists," puppet theater and a changing of the Guard ceremony , scheduled for June 10th, among other activities.

In addition, on June 17th, to celebrate the Day of the Armed Forces, a concert by the Music Unit of the Infantry Academy will be held at the headquarters of the Army Museum.

You can access all the programming at this link: