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viernes 23 de febrero de 2024

Zenbakia: 02

Exercise Steadfast Cobalt 24 – Final Coordination Conference at the HQ NRDC-ESP

FCC at the  HQ NRDC-ESP.


Coordination meeting in Bétera (Spain).

Coordination meeting in Bétera (Spain).

ACOS G6 HQ NRDC-ESP during the conference.

ACOS G6 HQ NRDC-ESP during the conference.

HQ NRDC-ESP hosted the Final Coordination Conference (FCC) of the Steadfast Cobalt 2024 (STCO24) exercise from 19 to 23 February 2024, attended by 150 military and civilian personnel at its facilities in Bétera (Valencia).

During this week, representatives from various NATO units and headquarters, agencies and organisations have been meeting to plan and coordinate relevant issues related to the exercise. These coordination meetings are the final step prior to the exercise's execution phase.

Steadfast Cobalt is the largest interoperability event of the NATO Communications and Information Systems Group (NCISG), enabling NATO and partner nations' units and headquarters to integrate into a purpose-built Mission Network effectively using the latest configurations and technologies. This technology provides NATO with a highly capable, joint, multinational force capable of reacting at short notice to the full range of security challenges, from crisis management to collective defence.

This type of event means that the HQ NRDC-ESP is at the forefront of new procedures and techniques, maintaining its availability and adapting to new technologies, as a sign of its firm commitment to Spain and NATO.