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viernes 13 de enero de 2017

Zenbakia: 001

Deputy Commander HOTO Ceremony





On 13 January 2017.

NATO Rapid Deployable – Spain hosted a Hand Over – Take Over ceremony to mark the change from Major General, Portuguese Army, Tiago Vasconcelos to Major General, Portuguese Army, Rui Guerra Pereira as Deputy Commander.

Lieutenant General, Spanish Army, Francisco Javier Varela, NRDC-ESP Commander, presided over the ceremony. The parade was composed by an Honor Company, provided by the Spanish Military Police Battalion, a Sapper Squad and the NRDC-ESP Band. NRDC-Spain Staff, along with some representatives of the subordinate units, were in attendance too.

“Today we are sad to say goodbye to Major General Tiago Vasconcelos who is leaving NRDC-Spain after more than three years of service”, LTG Varela said. “He has led many activities and greatly contributed to develop this headquarters, and its subordinate units, into a real command and control excellence in the true sense of the word. He has entirely dedicated himself, both physically and mentally, to the duty with the desire to see NRDC-ESP recognized all around in the military circles, both domestically and abroad.”

NRDC-Spain Commander welcomed the incoming DCOM by saying, “However, this command is gaining a truly great leader in Major General Rui Guerra Pereira. I have heard nothing but great things about his leadership and abilities. He respects and values his team, and I have no doubt he will bring great experience, ideas and enthusiasm to this Command”.

The ceremony was also the perfect opportunity to present Sergeant Major, Spanish Army, Pedro Lopéz Villar with the Saint George Cross Medal, a Portuguese decoration signed by the Chief of Staff of the Portuguese Armed Forces to personnel, national or international, military or civilian, who in the technical and professional military fields have displayed great competence, exceptional performance and relevant personal qualities, contributing significantly to enhance the efficiency, prestige and accomplishments of the Portuguese Armed Forces’ mission.