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A valuable card

lunes 24 de abril de 2017

Zenbakia: 44

There are some things that money can’t buy but are worth their weight in gold. These include the values that our Army and its members identify with, but which values are the most important? This is the question that the Training and Doctrine Command have tried to answer, and they have found one phrase that sums up our values: BE VICTORIOUS. This word encapsulates the other values that the Army draws upon to fulfil its missions: Courage, Spirit of Sacrifice, Discipline, Comradeship, Spirit of Service and Honour.

El JEME recibe el libro del jefe del MADOC, teniente general Carrasco

The Chief of the Army receives the book from the Chief of the Training and Doctrine Command, lieutenant general Carrasco(Photo:Ángel G. Tejedor/DECET)

In order to make these values evident in there day to day work, all soldiers will soon receive a card that they can put in the pocket of their uniform or keep in their work notebook. These six military values, along with five others, will be written on this card. In total, that are eleven values that are considered essential to the Army.

Portada del libro "Valores"

The deputy Chief of the Army, lieutenant general Juan Camplins, with the support of the Chief of the Army, has greatly encouraged this initiative, which draws on ideas from other armies such as the United States or the United Kingdom. He is in charge of handing out the 100,000 cards to around 71,300 soldiers who are posted within the Army. Likewise, the Training and Doctrine Command will distribute the other 3,500 to new members of the Army. Within the different first level Commands, soldiers will be able to use the cards in order to make civilians aware of the values of the Army.
You can’t buy anything with this card, but it’s a reminder of what is most valuable to us.


"The new values card is a daily reminder of the military values that are fundamental for the Army and should inspire daily military life".


To read

The Chief of the Army has written a prologue for the publication that has been created alongside the card, in which he explains the meaning of each of the values that have been identified as fundamental to the Army. The book also includes examples and models for each value. He reminds us of historical figures such as Guzmán el Bueno, “The Great Captain,” Agustina of Aragón and the engineer General Zarco del Valle, important battles such as that of San Quintín or Rocroi, and key periods in Spanish history such as the Conquest of America.

Army Values

Tarjeta de Valores













The Values in the Spanish Army