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  • The 7th 'Galicia' Brigade and 'The Rifles' Regiment participate in the 'Iberian Sun 23'
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The 7th 'Galicia' Brigade and 'The Rifles' Regiment participate in the 'Iberian Sun 23'

martes 9 de mayo de 2023

Zenbakia: 9321

British and Spanish soldiers in the exercise

Militares británicos y españoles en el ejercicio

The I/29 "Zamora" Battalion of the 7th "Galicia" Brigade carried out the “Iberian Sun 23” exercise, developed between April 22nd and May 2nd, at “Renedo-Cabezón” Exercise and Firing Range (Valladolid). It is a bilateral activity in which a company type unit belonging to the second Battalion of “The Rifles” Infantry Regiment of the British Army also participated -providing a total of six vehicles of different types and 75 soldiers-.

During the first days of the exercise, integration activities -both of personnel and of organic units at platoon level- were carried out, being the program especially focused on the use of firing and combat ranges in urbanised areas.

Once this integration phase was completed, various live-fire exercises were performed, unifying tactics, techniques and procedures in the treatment of people injured in combat, combat in wooded environments, combat in urbanised areas and combat in subsoil, for which both the range located in “El Empecinado" base, in Santovenia del Pisuerga (Valladolid), and the old munitions dump of Sardón were used.

This exercise was non only a logistical challenge as for the deployment of the means participating in the exercise, but it was also a challenge for the planning, coordination and execution of all the activities that were carried out. Likewise, it is a great opportunity to know how units that are external to our army are instructed and trained, increasing the motivation of the unit when participating in this kind of bilateral activities, without forgetting the institutional nature of these relationships, in which an image of Spain, in general, and an image of the Army and the 7th “Galicia” Brigade, in particular, is projected. In this regard, over the last few years, the number of training activities carried out between both countries has been significantly increased. This increase in the bilateral activities has facilitated greater knowledge and interoperability between both nations.