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  • Spanish contribution to the ballistic calculation within NATO
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Spanish contribution to the ballistic calculation within NATO

viernes 10 de marzo de 2023

Zenbakia: 9271

The biannual meeting was held in Ottawa

The biannual meeting was held in Ottawa

Between February 9th and 15th, the capital of Canada, Ottawa, hosted the 33rd edition of the biannual meeting of the S4 group (SG/2 Shareable SW Suite) of NATO. This group is responsible for developing and maintaining the ballistic software, like NABK (for the calculation of indirect fire), NIFAK (for the calculation of lethal areas) or NAMK (for weather data management). In the case of the Spanish Army, the programs whose ballistic calculations are based on the software developed and maintained by the S4 group are Talos and SIMACA.

In this meeting, the Engineering Department of the Logistics Support Command (JIMALE in Spanish) presented its new Dynamic Link Library (DLL) for NABK, to which it devoted a considerable effort during the last few months. This DLL allows you to centralize the information and the ballistic processing of the materials for the JIMALE in a single, unified archive, that can be later distributed to the user programs of the ballistics.

Making this DLL available to the other countries of NATO, Spain makes a significant contribution to the S4 group, since many member countries don't have staff with the technical knowledge necessary to generate it from scratch and, in this way, they will have the chance to rely on the Spanish DLL to generate variants of the same adapted to their needs.