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  • NATO Course of lectures about the evaluation of the information environment in Valence
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NATO Course of lectures about the evaluation of the information environment in Valence

viernes 6 de mayo de 2022

Zenbakia: 8955

Organized by NATO Headquarters –Brussels Belgium-, together with the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe - Mons (Belgium) - and the Allied Command Transformation – Norfolk (USA)-, a set of up to 80 civilian and military experts have developed, within the first days of May, a course of lectures to have a discussion about the available procedures and tools to carry out the evaluation of the information environment, as well as to analyze its trend and the future needs.

The city of Valence has been the chosen one to welcome these lectures, sponsored by NATO Rapid Deployment Headquarters (HQ NRDC-ESP) – headquartered in Bétera Valence -. The chief of this unit, Lieutenant General García-Vaquero Pradal, opened the event, pointing out the crucial importance of the cognitive domain today.

This kind of  meetings, held on an annual basis, are of great importance, since the commitments undertaken by Spain with the Atlantic Alliance are required to be in constant adjustment to the new security challenges, in a dynamic and constant environment, which involves monitoring the evolution of the doctrine in allied armies and the new conceptual developments that arise within the framework of the Alliance.

The course of lectures was held in Bétera

The course of lectures was held in Bétera