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  • The CBRN Defence 'Golden Mask 22' NATO exercise is completed
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The CBRN Defence 'Golden Mask 22' NATO exercise is completed

viernes 7 de octubre de 2022

Zenbakia: 9130

In Germany

The "Golden Mask 22" exercise has been successfully completed, being an exercise of integration and certification of the component of nuclear, biological and chemical defence of the Rapid reaction Force of NATO –Combined Joint CBRN Defence Task Force (CJ-CBRND-TF)- carried out, between September 19th and 29th, at the field maneuvers of Bergen-Münster, Germany.

During these 10 days, a CBRN Multifunctional Company of the CBRN I/1 Battalion and a Deployable Chemical Laboratory of the Specific Technical Unit I/1, both of which belonging to the "Valencia" nº 1 Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defence Regiment, have had the opportunity to integrate, train and be assessed with other CBRN defence units of allied countries like Germany, Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy, Czech Republic and Romania.

An exercise which, under the effective leadership of Germany - leading nation of the CJ-CBRND-TF 23–, has allowed to coordinate procedures, to put into practice the command and control of the multinational unit and to make the units face demanding environments and complex incidents, always obtaining good results in their development.

Likewise, the opportunity has also been taken to advertise the capabilities of other allied CBRN units, as well as to introduce the multinational unit to a great diversity of authorities, national representatives of allied and partner countries, and CBRN experts by means of static and dynamic exhibitions.

Spain has been the nation with the highest proportion of personnel to be congratulated for their outstanding performance during the exercise, which has been evidenced by the award of an individual certificate of excellence.

The exercise was carried out in Germany

The exercise was carried out in Germany