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  • The 'MCANA LINK 22' exercise is successfully completed
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The 'MCANA LINK 22' exercise is successfully completed

martes 4 de octubre de 2022

Zenbakia: 9127

Antenna deployment

Antenna deployment

The ambitious exercise called “MCANA LINK 22”, organized by the Canary Islands Command of the Army (MCANA in Spanish) with the participation of the whole area of the Unit, from the Canary Islands to Ceuta, Melilla and the Balearic Islands, has been carried out between Spetember 24th and 29th, being successfully completed.

The exercise has mainly involved the establishment and testing of a Communication and Information System (CIS), based on tactical media, which enables the link between members of a deployment of the Tactical Groups of the Operational Land Command - built on units of the XVI "Canarias" Brigade, General Command of Ceuta and General Command of Melilla -, as well as of a Tactical Group of the General Command of the Balearic Islands, each of which located in their respective areas of operation.

The CIS which was established during the exercise has allowed voice and data transmission, through HF radio and satellite link, between the Operations Centres of the four Tactical Groups, as well as the link of each Tactical Group with its own Operations Centre.