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Commander of the Maneuver Support Command

Coat of arms of the Operational Logistic Force



Furriel de los Tercios de Flandes
  • Antecedentes históricos
  • Descripción del Escudo
  • Galería de generales jefes

Actividades Principales

Sostenimiento de Fuerzas en el exterior
  • Instrucción y adiestramento
  • Operativas
  • Apoyo a las autoridades civiles
  • Institucionales


Welcome to the website of the Commander of the Maneuver Support Command, where will give a general view of the unit and its activities.

The Commander of the Maneuver Support Command is created by order DEF/708/2020 , published in the BOD nº 152 dated july 29 in which the basic organization of de Army is developed.

According to this disposition, the Commander of the Maneuver Support Command  belongs to the Land Force.

Article 14 of de Defence Order establishes that the Commader of the Maneuver Support Command  is a group of units placed under a single command, specialized, organized, equipped and prepared to constitute operational organizations of Combat Support and Logistics Support to Combat, capable of being integrated into join and combined fundamental structures, and whose main task is the training of their units, as well as the generation of the forces that are required.

The Commander of the Maneuver Support Command is composed by:

Visita al Palacio




Latest news of the unit

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