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Volunteer army reservists

Who are they?

The Volunteer Reserve is created as a Defence need, already met in other Western countries, with the aim of strengthening the capabilities of the Armed Forces and facing up to the commitments acquired by the Government.

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  • Spanish nationality.
  • Between 18 and 58 years of age.
  • Not having a criminal record.
  • Not being divested of one's civil rights.
  • Not having been withdrawn from service in the public administration by means of disciplinary proceedings, nor being barred, by firm sentence, from exercising a public function.

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Military Ranks

  • Officers: Spaniards possessing a qualification equivalent to the first university cycle may opt for posts vacant as officers. They attain the rank of Army, Air Force and Defence Common Corps Second Lieutenants, or Navy Second Lieutenants or Navy Frigate Lieutenants.
  • Non-Commissioned Officers: Spaniards possessing the qualification of "Bachiller", "Formación profesional", "Técnico especialista" or the equivalent may opt for these vacancies. They have the rank of Sergeant.
  • Troop: All Spaniards not processing any of the aforementioned academic qualifications may opt for these vacancies. With the post of Private or Seaman. In the event of having previously held a military Post, this may be kept when it is consistent with the vacancy filled.

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What do they contribute?

  • Availability for training and exercises, and for rendering service at the assigned post for a maximum annual period in accordance with the preference expressed by the Reservist, which must be at least thirty days; likewise, the voluntarily declared availability to participate in missions abroad or those of peace-keeping and security.
  • Previously acquire knowledge and skills.
  • Prior professional experience.

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What do they receive?

  • The post corresponding to their previous academic qualification.
  • The payments established by the Regulation Code.
  • The Military ID Card accrediting reserve status and post.
  • The right to wear the same uniform used by servicepersons on active service at the same Army or Common Corps post where they are attached, with the insignia typical of reservist on active service, when called to active service, or when attending military and social events, participating in their unit, centre or organisation events and celebrations or at those events derived from their status itself in the national or international organisations to which they may belong.
  • The possibility of personally collaborating with National Defence.
  • The right to join any reservist associations that may be created.
  • For public employment vacancies and for vacancies officially announced in the public administration, the meritorious consideration of being a reservist, merit which may be established for each official announcement or vacancy. 
  • Special relationship with Armed Forces through his or her assignment in an honorary manner to the Unit or Centre or Organisation where posted upon having finished his or her commitment, enabling attendance at the ceremonies and events typical of them. 
  • The possibility of renouncing at anytime, while not being on active service, the condition of reservist by the mere manifestation of the desire to stop being so.

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 Call to active service

The call to active service consists of exercising your right as a volunteer reservist. You may be activated with two different aims: for instruction and training exercises or taking training and advanced courses; and for missions abroad (if this was expressly requested) or to serve in Units, Centres or Organisations. 

For instruction and training exercises or to take training and advenced courses:

  • Duration: short periods of time according to the stipulations of the regulation code in force, with a maximum of thirty days per year.
  • Compensation: 3 times the minimum wage for Officers, 2.5 times for Non-Commissioned Officers and 2 times for Troop. Both during initial training as Candidate to volunteer reservist and during subsequent training periods for instruction and training exercises or to take training and advanced courses: Duration: short periods of time according to the stipulations of the regulation code in force, with a maximum of thirty days per year. Compensation: 3 times the minimum wage for Officers, 2.5 times for Non-Commissioned Officers and 2 times for Troop. Both during initial training as Candidate to volunteer reservist and during subsequent training periods.

For missions abroad or to serve in Units, Centres or Organisations: 

  • Duration: that set for this purpose by Government authorisation for the incorporation of volunteer reservists without being able to exceed the period requested by the reservist.
  • Compensation: in periods of service compensation is identical to that which the Ministry of Defence has established for the different employments, with all the corresponding salary complements.

Temporary suspension: the causes for which suspension may be applied for are reflected in the reservist Regulation Code, and some of these are:

  • Due to the voluntary reservist's pregnancy, her being in a period of breast-feeding or being on the corresponding maternity leave, or where appropriate, paternity leave.
  • Due to the need for the volunteer reservist to attend to family sustenance.
  • Due to reasons of a professional type in order to permit job consolidation or due to substantial alterations of work conditions.
  • Due to reasons of an academic nature.

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