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5th Year students of the Artillery Officers Rank train with Field Artillery Group X

Friday, February 26, 2021

Number: 8332

The 5th-year military lieutenant students for Access to the Officer Rank are carrying out an exercise in collaboration with the Field Artillery Group (GACA) X, at the “Cerro Muriano” base and Maneuvering and Shooting Range (Cordoba). The exercise takes place between the 22nd and 26th of February. As a result, future Army Artillery officers are putting into practice the specific Fire Support procedures that they have studied at the Artillery Academy - on this occasion, being integrated into the Artillery Group on a Direct Support mission to the Brigade " Guzmán el Bueno ”X–.

Thus, the student lieutenants have been integrated into the Unit as deputies to the lieutenants in their different tactical positions of Section Chiefs and under their supervision, carrying out live fire exercises with the main supply materials in the GACA, such as: the howitzer 155mm ATP M109 A5E and the 105mm Light Gun howitzer.

A great opportunity for students to experience, first-hand and for a week, what the daily work is like in preparation of a Lieutenant Section Chief, as well as interactions with their subordinates, command relationships with subordinates and superiors, responsibilities to be assumed, etc. These teachings are transmitted to the student by example and are an important part of the added value that this type of collaboration provides.

For its part, the GACA also benefits from these collaborative exercises, by requiring all its components to make an effort to update their basic knowledge of Artillery shooting, as well as by spending a week exclusively dedicated to the specific preparation of Fire Support, including a real fire exercise, both during the day and at night.

5th Year students of the Artillery Officers Rank train with Field Artillery Group X

5th Year students of the Artillery Officers Rank train with Field Artillery Group X