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Day of Solidarity with Japan at the Army Museum

Friday, May 27, 2011

Number: 937


Logotype edited for the day of solidarity with Japan

Logotype edited for the day of solidarity with Japan (Photo:Army Museum)

The Army Museum, the Asia Research Group, the Complutense Asian Art Research Group and the Japanology Foundation Institute have scheduled a solidarity cultural day with Japan, which will be held on 12th June at the Alcázar in Toledo. The aim of this initiative is to make Japanese culture known and collect funds to aid the victims of the earthquake and tsunami on11th March.

A solidarity tribute ceremony was carried out –with the attendance of the director of the Army Museum, General Antonio Izquierdo-, a demonstration on martial arts, a children’s workshop and a demonstration on traditional Japanese calligraphy.  The Museum holds a significant collection of objects from Japan, such as armour, cut-and-thrust weapons, firearms, mirrors or recipients for tea.