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Farewell for the 14th Spanish Force that Departs for Lebanon

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Number: 868


General Guerra reviewed the formation  General Guerra reviewed the formation

The force is made up of a thousand troops

The force is made up of a thousand troops

The farewell ceremony concluded with the parade of the Force

The farewell ceremony concluded with the parade of the Force

The farewell ceremony concluded with the parade of the Force
The 14th Spanish force that is going to participate, from the end of April, in the United Nations mission in Lebanon, on 15th April celebrated its official farewell ceremony on Base “El Goloso”, 12th Armoured Brigade headquarters.

This unit has served as the core to make up the bulk of the Force, which is completed with personnel from the Signals Brigade, Logistics Brigade or the Army Helicopter Forces, among others. 

Presiding over the ceremony was the commander of the Heavy Forces, General Domingo Guerra, whose address to the formation held a special memory for the five servicemen killed in an accident in Hoyo de Manzanares (Madrid) during the preparation phase. .

In turn, General Alcañiz, commander of the 12th Brigade and at the command of the force, conveyed three ideas that he wants them to bear in mind during the five month mission:  that security is first and foremost and their guard must never be lowered; related with the latter, the importance of maintaining concentration at all times; and lastly, the commitment with the labour to be undertaken.