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The CBRN Defence Regiment 'Valencia' nº 1 is trained in 'Los Alijares'

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Number: 8362

In Toledo

The CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear defence) Battalion of the CBRN Defence Regiment “Valencia” nº 1 has completed a group of “Alphas” in the “Los Alijares” (Toledo) Drill Ground and Shooting Range from the 4th to the 10th of March.

During these sessions, the Battalion had the support of the Infantry Academy and has been specially trained in the more tactical aspects of the NBC operations of its different companies.


Harassment of a convoy in an urban area

Harassment of a convoy in an urban area


With the support of the Staff Company in the simulation, at first a demanding leadership exercise of platoon-type units was negotiated successfully, in which the general combatant instruction tasks were worked for 48 continuous hours including combat shooting, establishment of a platoon defensive position, combat in urbanized areas, evacuation of casualties and orientation.

In a second phase, the companies developed their own CBRN reconnaissance and decontamination training tasks for two days in combat support.


Radiological recognition practise

Radiological recognition practise