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The NATO Headquarters in Bétera conducts the 'Deployex' II/20 exercise

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Number: 8103

Its purpose is to complete its preparation and verify its availability as a Joint NATO Headquarters

The NATO Rapid Deployment Headquarters in Bétera (Valencia) is engaged in the completion of the “Deployex II/20 exercise at the “Jaime I” base, located in the Valencian municipality. It began in early September with the assembly of an advanced command post (ICE, Initial Command Element) and is scheduled to end on the 24th of this month.

Approximately 200 soldiers from 11 allied nations participate in this exercise, deploying more than 100 collective tents, many of which correspond to the new tent with collective protection against NBC (Nuclear, Bacteriological and Chemical) attacks, recently acquired by the Army.

The high number of participants and the pandemic situation caused by COVID-19 have meant that a strict protocol of sanitary hygiene and the maintenance of social distance has been established in order to undertake a deployment which guarantees safety conditions.

With the “Deployex” 11/20, both the Headquarters itself and the units which support it, Battalion Headquarters, Military Police Battalion and Transmissions Regiment No. 21, are trained in the assembly of an advanced command post and its transformation into a Main Command Post (MCP) with the ability to conduct any Alliance operation.

The purpose of this exercise is to complete its preparation and verify its availability as a Joint NATO Headquarters (JTF HQ, Joint Task Force Headquarters), a role it has assumed since the 1st of January of this year. It will also serve to initiate its transition towards a new commitment with the Atlantic Alliance, assuming the role of Army Corps Headquarters for conventional combat operations (WFC Warfighting Corps) within the Alliance Forces structure in 2022

As such, with this exercise, the Bétera Headquarters continues its training to lead operational organisations and conduct operations of any kind; conventional, hybrid warfare or even to support civilian organisations, as has been evident following its participation in the “Balmis” Operation.

The exercise takes place in Betera

The exercise takes place in Betera