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martes 16 de junio de 2020

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CIS personnel from the HQ NRDC-ESP participate in 4 webminars about cybersecurity in Valencia (Spain).


CIS personnel from the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Spain Headquarters are participating in four webminars on cybersecurity issues hosted by the Valencia Chamber of Commerce (Cámara de Comercio de Valencia in Spanish). These webminars are being carried out through the organization's training web platform.

The first conference took place on Wednesday June 3 and it was titled "How have cyber-attacks been conducted during the COVID19 confinement?". Col Salvador, ACOS G6 of the NRDC-ESP Headquarters, delivered the first webminar, and was publicly congratulated by the representatives of the Chamber of Commerce at the end of the conference. Both the structure and the content of his presentation were outstanding.

In accordance with the schedule, the following webminars will deal with authentication and identity management, security in video-conferences and phishing modalities.

These webminars are developed in the framework of the collaboration agreement between the Regional Delegation of the Spanish Ministry of Defence and the Valencia Chamber of Commerce.

 Webminar CISWebminar_CIS