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martes 6 de octubre de 2020

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The NATO Rapid Deployable Corps-Spain Headquarters conducts a seminar to analyze the NATO Southern flank in Valencia.

Commander HQ NRDC-ESP welcoming

Commander HQ NRDC-ESP welcoming

Pannel at the seminar “View to the South”

Pannel at the seminar “View to the South”

Attendees in Santo Domingo barracks

Attendees in Santo Domingo barracks

The NATO Rapid Deployable Corps-Spain Headquarters (HQ NRDC-ESP its acronym) organizes the seminar “View to the South” on October 6th to analyze present and future of the NATO southern flank. The Ancient Royal Monastery of Santo Domingo in Valencia, site for the Spanish High Readiness Land Headquarters and for the Commander of HQ NRDC-ESP was the venue to host this important event.

Lieutenant General Fernando García-Vaquero, Commander of the HQ NRDC-ESP, welcomed all the participants and highlighted the commitment of the Headquarters to anticipate any possible crises that threaten the south flank of the Atlantic Alliance.

Security and protection measures against COVID-19 have been applied at all times, limiting the physical presence of attendees and allowing a high number of people to have participated through webinars.

Around 200 participants, both military and civilian personnel have attended the seminar. The seminar has brought together around 80 participants in person, among which it is worth mentioning a large group of students from the European University of Valencia. Further it must be added more than 120 people have participated on-line, which has allowed this seminar to be followed from numerous NATO Headquarters located throughout Europe.

Twelve geopolitical experts coming from national and international organizations, have analyzed the geopolitical situation in Africa, especially in the Sahel countries. They have discussed the risks that threaten the security of the southern flank of NATO. In addition some future opportunities in the area have been exposed. The participation of the NATO Strategic Direction South Hub from Naples, USAFRICOM (United States African Command), African Union, the European Union External Action Service, the Spanish Ministry of Defense and the CEU Cardenal Herrera University is appreciated. During the closing remarks, the Commander of the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps-Spain Headquarters pointed out the high quality of the speakers and the interest aroused during the discussions held in the different panels.