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lunes 9 de noviembre de 2020

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Czech Republic´s flag is hoisted at the NATO Rapid Deployment Headquarters in Bétera.

Picture of the Czech officer incorporated

Picture of the Czech officer incorporated

Moment of the ceremony. Hoisted

Moment of the ceremony. Hoisted

Raising the flag of the czech republic

Raising the flag of the czech republic

 At the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Headquarters (HQ NRDC-ESP), an official ceremony was held to raise the flag of the Czech Republic, on the occasion of the incorporation of a Czech officer to the Headquarters. The event was chaired by Lieutenant General Fernando García-Vaquero Pradal –Commander of the HQ NRDC-ESP-, it was developed respecting the protection measures against COVID. The Senior National Representatives of the eleven allied nations were present in the parade.

The ceremony follows an established tradition, consisting of the raising of the national flag, when a new allied country incorporates personnel to the Headquarters.

The procedure for the participation of new members is formalized during regular meetings ("Plenaries") held by the allied countries, in which, among other issues, positions on the Headquarters staff are offered to the rest of the allies, in case of they were interested on fill them out. In recent plenary meetings, the Czech Republic showed its interest in being part of the HQ NRDC-ESP, thus being a total of twelve countries that make up this Headquarters.

The Czech Republic joins at a key moment for this Headquarters, which begins its preparation to assume the next commitment as a Warfighting Corps during 2022.

The increase of countries that make up the NATO Headquarters in Bétera is clear evidence of the prestige it enjoys in Spain and among the rest of the NATO Allies. It is also a sign of the commitment of the member countries, of the cohesion and good health of the Alliance.

Spain, as a host nation, supports the evolution and development of this Headquarters at the Atlantic Alliance disposal, as it also provides experience and capabilities that are highly used from a national point of view.