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viernes 11 de octubre de 2019

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Exercise TRIDENT JACKAL 2019: the HQ NRDC-ESP is certified as JTF (L) HQ

Meeting at the JTF HQ Command Post

Meeting at the JTF HQ Command Post

Execution phase at the Command Post

Execution phase at the Command Post

The exercise TRIDENT JACKAL 2019 (TRJA19) came to an end on October the 7th ,  after a 20 day deployment, on Menorca Island. The Headquarters NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Spain (HQ NRDC-ESP) succeeded in its evaluation to obtain the certification as Joint Task Force Headquarter (JTF HQ).

About 1000 soldiers from 23 nations, among participants, evaluators and observers participated in this vital exercise which was carried out in the Military Base in Mahon (Menorca).

The main goal of TR19 was to support the evaluation of the HQ NRDC-ESP in order to be certified as JTF HQ of the NATO Force Structure. This certification enables the HQ to plan and conduct the activities of a Joint Small Operation Land heavy, with the support of navy, air force and special operations elements.

TRJA19 was a Command Post exercise where a fictitious scenario-based operation was planned and conducted. In the exercise participants faced several incidences in the framework of a “non-article 5” operation within the North Atlantic treaty, where the staff applied the stabilized procedures for its resolution.

It is also highlighted the participation of observers from other partner nations, showing once again the NATO commitment with transparency of all military activities and exercises carried out in the framework of the Alliance.

TRJA19 also provided a great opportunity to foster relationship between Allied forces and their Headquarters, improving the interoperability necessary to act in a demanding changing security environment. 

The designation of the HQ NRDC-ESP and its associated Joint Logistic Support Group (JLSG) as JTF HQ for the stand-by period during 2020 is an exciting challenge, and represents once again the strong commitment of Spain with its allies.