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jueves 5 de septiembre de 2019

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Exercise Trident Jackal 2019: kick-off for the deployment of the HQ NRDC-ESP in Menorca Island

Material and equipment prepared at valencia seaport

Material and equipment prepared at valencia seaport

Shipment of material and equipment

Shipment of material and equipment

Material and equipment on board

Material and equipment on board


The Support Battalion of the NATO Headquarters Rapid Deployable Corps Spain (HQ NRDC-ESP) has started the deployment of its means in Menorca Island, where exercise Trident Jackal 19 (TRJA19) will be carried out during September and October.

Valencia´s seaport was the place from where the first elements to deploy in Menorca embarked last 31st of August. This deployment is carried out by air (personal) and sea (material and personal), and will be executed in different waves, ending on 22nd of September with the arrival on the island of the last personnel participating in such exercise. Resources and human means that are foreseen to deploy are more than 1000 soldiers, 113 vehicles, 30 trailers and 120 containers.

Exercise Trident Jackal 19 will take place between September and October in San Isidro Military base in Mahón (Menorca-Spain), and troops from 24 countries will participate in it, as participants, evaluators and observers. It is a Command Post (PC) exercise where an operation over a fictitious scenario is planned and is conducted. To achieve this, HQ NRDC-ESP PC and its correspondent Joint Logistic Support Group (JLSG), which is the latest responsible of the logistics, will be deployed.

TRJA19 is the most important exercise in the series of HQ NRDC-ESP preparation ones scheduled by the Spanish Army in 2019, since the HQ will be evaluated and eventually NATO certificated as Joint Headquarters (JHQ) in the Alliance Force Structure in this exercise. This task will qualify the HQ to plan and to conduct the activities of a Small Joint Operation Land Heavy (SJO), also with elements from Navy, Air Force and Special Operations.

HQ NRDC-ESP will assume the commitment as JHQ from the 1st of January 2020 to the end of the year, once the correspondent certification is obtained.

The assignment during 2020 of HQ NRDC-ESP as a NATO deployable Joint Command is an exciting challenge, and it is a clear proof of the active, solidary and effective contribution from Spain with its Allies, contributing in this way to promote the collective security against the global threats.