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jueves 4 de octubre de 2018

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The NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Spain Headquarters conducts a logistics seminar with allied personnel.

Logistics Seminar at the NRDC-ESP

Logistics Seminar at the NRDC-ESP

Conference at the JTF HQ Log Seminar

Conference at the JTF HQ Log Seminar

Logisticians from the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Spain Headquarters (HQ NRDC-ESP) start their roadmap training to the Joint Task Force HQ commitment conducting a seminar with allied personnel during October 2 and 3.

The HQ NRDC-ESP will face its second commitment as JTF (L) HQ for NATO operations during 2020. The first one was in 2014, and our HQ was the first NATO HQ being certified by SACEUR for that purpose.

In order to face this new challenge, reaching the activation phase in the best preparation conditions, and focused on logistic issues, NRDC-ESP G4 has conducted the “JTF Log Seminar” in the Betera premises. The audience was composed by: NRDC-ESP G4, RSC/JLSG, Engineers, G5 Plans and G35 BMC; external representatives from JFC Brunssum (J4 and JLSG), Allied LANDCOM Headquarters, Rapid Reaction Corps-France Headquarters (RRC FRA) and Allied Rapid Reaction Corps (ARRC HQ) Headquarters were also in attendance.

The seminar objectives were to review and discuss NRDC-ESP JTF logistic insights from our previous JTF activation period, to validate the previous logistic insights or modify them in accordance with other HQ´s experiences, to analyze the lessons learned from other Headquarters about their experience as JTF(L) HQ, to review and discuss HNS process milestones, to discuss possible Command and Control logistic structure options, main Battle Rhythm events or discuss about Forces deployment control.