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jueves 18 de octubre de 2018

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Students from the Catholic University of Valencia are trained in crisis management at the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps – Spain Headquarters.

NRDC-ESP Commander conference at the University

NRDC-ESP Commander conference at the University

Practical exercise at the Command Post

Practical exercise at the Command Post

Family picture of students and mentors

Family picture of students and mentors


This training takes part as a consequence of the eighth Communication, Security and Defence Course organized by the Catholic University of Valencia, and with the collaboration of the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps – Spain (NRDC-ESP) Headquarters of Bétera, Valencia. Around 60 students from several schools as medicine, veterinary, nursing, criminology, economic or law, among others, have attended this course. The main aim of this course is to establish a relationship and improve the mutual knowledge between the students and the NATO community in the area.

This course takes part as a consequence of the agreement signed by the Catholic University of Valencia and the Spanish Ministry of Defense to facilitate research and promote the culture of defense through the knowledge and collaboration between both entities.

The course is divided in two stages. The first stage is based on theory sessions at the Catholic University of Valencia premises on October 17, and the Commander of the NRDC-ESP and some communication experts provide some conferences about threats and challenges at National Security,as well as about disinformation in the media environment. 

Next day, October 18, students move to the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps – Spain Headquarters military base to be integrated as Subject Matter Expertise in a fictitious crisis management scenario. Students are divided in several disciplines and are mentorized by the NATO military personnel from NRDC-ESP. Finally an exhibition of the Military Police Battalion was carried out in Betera