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lunes 20 de marzo de 2017

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COM HQ NRDC-ESP visits the 34 Greek Infantry Mechanized Brigade

Briefing to COM NRDC-ESP

Briefing to COM NRDC-ESP

Group picture

Group picture


Lieutenant General Francisco Javier Varela, NRDC-ESP Commander, visited  the 34 Greek Infantry Mechanized Brigade. The 34 Brigade is one of the affiliated units to the HQ NRDC-ESP.

The visit took place on February 28, 2017, at Camp “Major Thomas PROKOPIDI”, in Drymos, Thessaloniki. Lieutenant General Varela, who was accompained by the GRC SNR to HQ NRDC-ESP and DCOS SPT, BG Papadimitriou, was welcomed by Brigadier General (HE-A) Dimitros KOUKOS, Commanding General of the 34 Brigade.

The aim of the visit was to refresh and stregthen the relationship with the affiliated brigade, to get an overview of the brigade’s capabilities, and to discuss about how to intensify future cooperation, in particular as far NRDC-ESP current role as an Army Corps HQ is concerned.

After being briefed about the brigade’s history, structure, capabilities and missions, the party attended some training activities of the brigade.

Lieutenant General Varela took also the opportunity to meet the brigade’s higher Commanders, COM GRC C-Corps (at the same time COM NRDC-GRC) and COM GRC 2nd Division. This provided a perfect venue to discuss matters of mutual interest within the NATO Land community.