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miércoles 25 de octubre de 2017

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7th Press, Security and Defense Course arranged by the Catholic University of Valencia and the NRDC-ESP Headquarters.

7th Press, Security and Defense Course

General Juan Montenegro welcomes attendees

Near twenty professionals of the communication and security environment have attend the 7th Press, Security and Defense course last October 24 and 25 in Valencia and Betera respectively. The main aim of this course is to establish a relationship and improve the mutual knowledge between the journalist and the military community in the area.

Firstly, the course had theory sessions on October 24 at the Catholic University of Valencia site where communication experts gave some conferences analyzing the information management in a communication crisis situation.

Next day, attendees moved to the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Headquarters in Bétera (Valencia), where the Chief of Staff, General Juan Montenegro welcomed them at the Command Post. Later, a practical exercise was carried out where the journalists were embed into a NATO military operation in a fictitious international scenario. A simulated press conference took place as if they were deployed in a conflict area.

This course takes part as a consequence of the agreement signed by the Catholic University of Valencia and the Spanish Ministry of Defense to facilitate research and promote the culture of defense through the knowledge and collaboration between both entities.