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Listado noticias 2021
- Texto no traducido
jueves 2 de diciembre de 2021
NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Headquarters Spain passes NATO evaluation to lead high intensity operations during the exercise STEADFAST LEDA 2021
Once handover ceremony has been formalized, the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Headquarters Spain, homebased in Bétera, Valencia, has passed the evaluation that certifies it is prepared and ready to conduct high intensity military operations (Warfighting Corps, WFC)
martes 2 de noviembre de 2021
Exercise Steadfast Leda 2021: kick-off for the deployment of the HQ NRDC-ESP
The NATO Rapid Deployable Corps - Spain Headquarters (HQ NRDC-ESP) has started the deployment of material and means from its base in Bétera (Valencia) to the Military Base of Araca (Vitora-Spain), place where exercise Steadfast Leda 2021 will be carried out at the end of November.
martes 3 de agosto de 2021
The Italian contingent of the Nato Rapid Deployable Corps Spain donates 500 € to a Spanish association
On 26th July 2021 the Italian contingent of the Nato Rapid Deployable Corps Spain donated 500 € to a Spanish association based in Requena (Valencia) called AMACMA (Asociación de mujeres afectadas de cáncer de mama) engaged in the fight against the breast cancer.
martes 27 de julio de 2021
The Spanish Chief of Defense pays the first official visit to the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Spain Headquarters.
Admiral General Teodoro E. López Calderón, the Spanish Chief of Defense (CHOD), pays a visit to the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Spain Headquarters (HQ NRDC-ESP) both to the Bétera Military Base “Jaime I” and Santo Domingo barracks in Valencia, on 22nd July.
viernes 16 de julio de 2021
The HQ NRDC-ESP hosts the 7th Land Chief of Staff Conference from 14th to 16th Jun 2021
Headquarters NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Spain hosts the 7th LAND COS Conference from the 14th to 16th of June 2021 in Jaime I Military Base in Bétera (Valencia-Spain), site of the HQ NRDC-ESP.
miércoles 23 de junio de 2021
4th NATO Force Structure (NFS) Command Senior Enlisted Leader (CSEL) Conference at the HQ NRDC-ESP (21-23 Jun 2021)
The 4th NATO Force Structure (NFS) Command Senior Enlisted Leader (CSEL) Conference takes place in Valencia from 21 to 23 June 2021. Jaime I military base in Bétera (Valencia, Spain), site of the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Headquarters (HQ NRDC-ESP), hosts the 4th edition of the Conference of Senior NCOs of the Land Forces of the Atlantic Alliance.
lunes 24 de mayo de 2021
Students from the Catholic University of Valencia are trained in crisis management at the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Headquarters in Bétera (Valencia).
Around 50 students from the Catholic University of Valencia have taken part at the tenth “Communication, Defence and Security” seminar organized by the Institute of Strategic and International Studies of the Catholic University of Valencia, the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps – Spain (NRDC-ESP) Headquarters in collaboration with the Defense Delegation in Valencia during 20 and 21 May 2021.
lunes 17 de mayo de 2021
Corps Planning Process for the Steadfast Leda 2021 exercise
From April 19th to May 4th, a CPP (Corps Planning Process) took place, with the aim of developing the tactical operations order for the Steadfast Leda 2021 exercise that will take place at the end of the year.
martes 2 de marzo de 2021
II NATO Emerging Concepts Seminar
The II NATO Emerging Concepts Seminar was held at the “Jaime I” Military Base in Bétera (Valencia), where the HQ NRDC-ESP is located, on February 23, 24 and 25. In these sessions, the strategic environment and threats identified by NATO were analyzed and new concepts under development were presented. These new concepts would be applicable to the experimentation phase of “FUERZA 2035” (Force 2035) concept of the Spanish Army.
jueves 4 de febrero de 2021
Portuguese Major General Boga Ribeiro takes over as deputy command of the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps - Spain Headquarters in Bétera.
Representatives of the twelve allied nations were present at the ceremony.
miércoles 27 de enero de 2021
The Commander of the NATO Allied Land Command visits the Bétera Headquarters on the occasion of its future certification as “Warfighting Corps”.
• US Lieutenant General Roger L. Cloutier, Commander of the NATO Land Command, visits the headquarters of the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps in Bétera, on the occasion of its certification and constitution, as of January 1, 2022, as Headquarters of the Army Corps for high intensity operations (Warfighting Corps - WFC) of the Atlantic Alliance.