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  • Her Majesty Queen Letizia was patron to the giving of the National Flag to the 4th Parachute Regiment 'Nápoles'
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Her Majesty Queen Letizia was patron to the giving of the National Flag to the 4th Parachute Regiment 'Nápoles'

martes 26 de febrero de 2019

Nombre: 7184

La Reina con la Bandera del Regimiento

The Queen is patron to the giving ceremony of the Flag to the Regiment 'Nápoles'

S. M. se interesó por el equipo de los saltadores

Her Majesty took an interested in the paratroopers

Un paracaidista descendió con la Bandera Nacional

A paratrooper descended with the Spanish Flag

On 23rd February, Her Majesty Queen Letizia was patron to the giving of the National Flag to the 4th Parachute Regiment 'Nápoles' 'with great joy and immense pride' at the 'Príncipe' base in Paracuellos del Jarama (Madrid).

The Minister of Defence, Margarita Robles; the Chief of the Defence Staff, Army General Alejandre; the Chief of the Army Staff, Army General Varela; and the Brigade Chief, General Sáez were present at the ceremony.

After receiving Official Honours, the Queen reviewed the troops and occupied her place at the royal gallery, from where she witnessed the incorporation of the National Flag to the group which, moments later, would give it to the Regiment 'Nápoles' Chief, Colonel Herrero.

The aforementioned flag has been donated by the Paracuellos del Jarama council. In the words of Queen Letizia: 'This strengthens even more the close link between this council and the Paratroops Brigade. It also symbolises the recognition and admiration the Spanish society feels towards the Armed Forces.'

She also wanted to remind of the soldiers of the unit who gave their lives when complying with their missions, and send her gratitude and affection to their families, which were extended to the rest of the Spanish society.

The patronage took place in the day when the 6th Brigade 'Almogávares' celebrated the day of unity and the creation of the paratroopers force, and when it is the third anniversary of the creation of the Regiment, that integrates the 'Roger de Flor' and the 'Roger de Lauria' Flags.





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La Reina amadrina la entrega de la Bandera al Regimiento 'Nápoles'